
Thursday, June 19, 2008

The ouch caterpillar

This is an Io Moth caterpillar that was hanging just a couple feet from me the other day in New Orleans. These caterpillars like their space, if you get stung by one (by touching it), you will give them that space from then on. Notice the red and white strip that is an identifying characteristic of these caterpillars

--steve buser


Mary said...

That red and white stripe looks lethal. Beautiful shot, though!

Unknown said...

Though I am not a big fan of caterpillers, I still had to check out this Pixel shot you mentioned. Wow, impressive. Despite being a catepiller. ;)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

WOW!! What a picture. Great photograph Steve!!

Unknown said...

I never knew that some caterpillars has the power to sting when handle...Eweeee I best be careful then if I ever get the fun chance to come visiting down to your parts cause I love picking up caterpillars!

Nice close up of the caterpillar, can really see the details.