Two old technologies together in one package are shown here -- they are from an old house we were in recently (the shot is from the floor looking toward the ceiling, and "up-door' view). The shot got me thinking -- a lot of old technology goes by the way side because it gets replaced by better more useful ways of doing things. For instance, the old key and lock in the picture. There's no doubt that modern locks are a lot more secure. What was good technology for its time has to give way to the new.
But the glass door knob is a different thing. It's mostly been replaced by metal knobs with faux finishes. I don't see them as something better. The old glass knob had an aire of refinement and grace. While it didn't turn the lock any better than new ones, it didn't turn it any less efficiently either. On the other hand, the glass knob kept its luster for much longer than it's metal replacement - a simple cleaning wiped away the inevitable grime that builds up on door knobs.
I say bring the glass knobs back. We could use more refinement and grace in our lives.
--steve buser